Dear families,

RE: Coronavirus Update

I am writing to you to reassure you that we are continuing to take all necessary steps to minimise risk to our school community. We are receiving regular updates from County and the Government and will keep you informed of any changes to the current situation.

There will be some changes to the running of the school this week and moving forward. We trust you understand that any changes made are to ensure the safe and smooth running of the school.

What’s the current situation?

• The school remains open
• All offsite learning has been halted for the time being, this includes swimming and other school journeys
• Sports Club after school on Mondays has been cancelled.
• The Dance Showcase scheduled for the last week of term will be postponed. We hope to hold this at a later date.
• Due to staffing there may be alterations to timetables and class arrangements.

What we’re doing to protect and support pupils and their families
• We continue to remind students regularly about the need to maintain good personal hygiene, in particular, supporting them to wash their hands upon arrival to school and regularly throughout the day.
• We have asked our site staff to clean `key touching points’ throughout the day.
• We have ensured that soap is always available in the toilets and hand washing stations around the school.
• We have monitored student and staff sickness and followed the NHS self isolation advice, where necessary.
• We are asking all visitors to wash and sanitise their hands before entering the school site.

What we need you to do
• If you’ve recently changed your contact details, please inform the school office as soon as possible.
• Come and collect your child straight away, if we ask you to (we’ll contact you if they become ill with either a temperature or a new, continuous cough)
• Should you want advice or support in discussing any of the issues around the coronavirus pandemic with your child please do let us know

The advice from the Public Health England remains that if you have even mild symptoms of coronavirus infection you should self isolate for 7 days. The most common symptoms of coronavirus are recent onset of:
• new continuous cough and/or
• high temperature (37.8 degrees C and above)
I would emphasise that should your child develop these symptoms it is important that you follow the PHE guidance and not send them in to school, observing the 7 day isolation protocol.

What happens if the school has to close?
• We’ll only close if we are either officially advised to do so or if we don’t have enough staff to run the school.
• In either case, we will:
let you know we are closing (fully or partially) by text and email. We will also put a message on our school website.
• Please be accessible and check your communication devices regularly

Please keep in mind that we’re only sending out this information to help the school community prepare. There are currently no plans to close.

Should you have any concerns please do contact the school. As always we value your support.

Kind regards,
Matt McLoughlin
Deputy Head Teacher

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