Middleton School opened in 1994. Over the past twenty five years it has grown and flourished to provide Outstanding education (Ofsted 2006, 2009, 2013, 2017), for primary aged pupils with learning difficulties in East Hertfordshire.
The children who attend Middleton School have an Education Health Care Plan and have agreement from the local authority that their needs may best be met within a specialist educational setting.
Middleton School benefits from an extensive team of caring, knowledgeable and nurturing staff, who challenge and support our pupils on a daily basis.
Middleton School offers pupils a creative, engaging and aspiring curriculum where the children and their individual needs remain at the heart of what we deliver.
Middleton School values it’s links with other schools and the wider community. It offers an extensive and well respected Outreach Service for mainstream schools and strives to place our own pupils at the heart of activities within the local community.