‘My child amazes me with just how far she has come – thanks to Middleton’.
Parent Feedback
Outreach leaflet January 2019
Initial referral form
An important aspect of the work we do is to offer SEN support to mainstream colleagues. There has been an established Outreach Service at Middleton for a number of years, but in November 2014 a new outreach provision was launched across the LA and Middleton continues to provide support to schools in DSPL 4 through this service.
What Services are on offer?
There are 3 main types of support:
i) pupil focus support
ii) school focus support
iii) INREACH/Training
May include:
- Creation of resources to support learning
- Strategies to assist with inclusion Advice on differentiation and curriculum development
- Assist in accurate assessments against the P-levels and appropriate target setting Demonstration of equipment and resources
- Facilitate discussions with parents and other professionals
- Share ideas
- Support in developing effective behaviour management strategies
- Support in transition procedures
Whole school training in areas such as Sign Language, P-levels, Challenging Behaviour, alternative modes of communication etc
May include:
- Visits to Middleton to observe practice
- Visits to Middleton to borrow resources
- Attendance at training events
What makes this service different?
Outreach is delivered by serving teachers who understand about planning and teaching children with additional needs. They understand the pressures of working in a real school. This is a free and unlimited service with rapid response. This service offers the opportunity to develop a long term supportive relationship between the two settings.
Do outreach staff have special training?
Yes they are qualified teachers who have worked in mainstream and special schools. They have advanced qualifications in special needs.
What is the aim of the outreach service? Is this a way of getting children considered for a place in special school?
Definitely not! The Outreach Service is intended to support children in mainstream schools using the experience of staff in special school. The aim is to keep more children in mainstream schools receiving the education they need to overcome their difficulties. The outreach service encourages school to develop an inclusive approach to learning.
How do I make a referral?
Complete a Middleton Outreach Referral Form. These can be found on the Middleton website or through contact with the school.
What will happen next? Upon receipt of the referral we will contact you to identity what type of outreach response is most appropriate. Links Outreach report Referral form
‘Middleton is an amazing school for children with learning difficulties – Outstanding in every way and more!’
Parent Feedback