Spring 2 2023
The Upper School topic this term is Our Growing World
In cooking we made recipes using different types of vegetables and fruit. This has included stuffed peppers, apple crumble and coleslaw.

Our offsite visits have included visiting Sainsbury’s to buy our cooking ingredients and a visit to a local garden centre. In the next few weeks we are hoping to visit the Mudlarks allotment in Hertford.
In Science we are learning about habitats and adaptation, including animals and plants. We began by learning about the different types of habitats and which animals and plants live there. Next we had a look at animals and plants in the school grounds, after this the different science groups made plans of how to encourage more animals into the playground. Some children made extensive plans with ponds, insect hotels and underground houses for rabbits etc. While other children made bird houses and feeders. Great fun was had by everyone!

In Geography we are exploring a range of global environments and finding out where in the world these environments exist. Each week we focus on a different environment and discuss what the current issues are for them e.g. deforestation in the rainforest, ice caps melting in Polar regions, pollution in the oceans and so on. The children have shown concern for the way wildlife is being affected by these issues and what steps we can take to try and resolve them to help the environment. Our children have impressed us with their prior knowledge of issues such as the need to recycle, saving energy and water and reducing pollution.
We made a diorama of a Polar region and used cling film to represent the ozone layer. We then observed how quickly the ice melted when there was a hole in the ozone layer and discussed what effect this would have on the wildlife.

In English this term we have been focusing on imaginary worlds. Each week we have looked at a picture of a different imaginary world and have been describing what they can see. The children have really enjoyed using adjectives to enhance their descriptions.
As part of World Book Day, Upper School all read the story of ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ by Drew Daywalt. Many of our children came to school dressed in the colours of one of the crayons in the story. The children really enjoyed the story and participated in activities related to it.

Eagles – Autumn Term One 2022
During the first half term in Eagles class, the children have been enjoying our topic ‘Beans’! Our offsite trips have been linked to this, and we have enjoyed learning about the process of the coffee bean, as well as taste testing a range of different cocoa products, the favourite being chocolate!

In dance lessons the children have been learning about the key elements that contribute to creating a dance; actions, dynamics and space. They have practiced using these both in whole class dances as well as in group choreographies. They particularly enjoyed using different methods of space this week.

The children have settled into their number groups well, and have been working on ability based topics such as identifying more and less, finding double, counting in multiples, and using processes to find fractions of two digit numbers. During their geometry work, our area of learning has been 2D and 3D shapes. The class have been naming and identifying properties of these shapes, particularly enjoying activities where they can explore and play with the shapes in order to identify key property information.

Our topic of ‘Beans’ has carried over into both science and literacy lessons. The children have focused on using adjectives to describe the characters in ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’, and in science we have planted our own beans in order to help understand the life process of a plant and what it needs in order to grow.

Summer 2022
During our second summer half term, the children in Eagles class have been focusing on the topic of temperature in their measure lessons. They have thought about different ways to measure temperature, from standard thermometers to non-standard colour charts. They have also enjoyed identifying the different language used for varying temperatures.

In science lessons we have experimented with waterproof materials, making predictions and identifying outcomes on which materials are waterproof and absorbent. The children very much enjoyed this and had lots of fun with the water!

Our overall topic this half term has been ‘Water, Water Everywhere’. We have incorporated this into our offsite learning, from visiting areas of water in the environment, to seeing how and why the water is used in specific places.

During our PE focus week the children had a fabulous time! From games of rounders to climbing in the woods, from ballroom dancing to a giant inflatable obstacle course, the children fully engaged in all the various ways to move and work our bodies.

Spring Two – Eagles
Eagles class have really enjoyed their measure lessons this term, where we have been learning about size, linear measurement and weight. The children particularly enjoyed measuring the weight of various objects using both standard and non-standard units of measurement, as well as a range of different scales. The children had lots of practice in making estimates on the weight of objects, before measuring and recording the official weight.

During our offsite visits this half term we have focused on identifying the land use of local areas. The children have visited both urban and rural areas in Hertford and Ware, identifying what they can see and how that links to the development of the land. The children have really enjoyed these visits and always look forward to them each week!

We have completed some cross-curricula learning, linking maths with our D&T lessons. The class have been identifying 3D shapes, and creating their own designs with them. They have spent time following their plans in order to build these designs, and it has been lovely to see how creative they have all been.

Also this half term the children have been learning about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in their literacy lessons. They have loved describing the characters and creating their own sweets; their imaginations have been amazing!
In number lessons we have focused on multiplication and division, from learning to make groups and share objects out equally, to using pictorial representations and arrays to solve more complex multiplication number sentences. All of the children have worked really hard on what can be a tricky process.
Spring 1
Eagles class have been learning all about the Romans.
We have been looking at how the Romans and how they used to live. We have also explored many different things that the Romans had made, such as Mosaics, shields, swords and sandals. In Art we have designed and made our own versions using a variety of media. Here are some examples of our amazing art work!!
We have been learning about the different famous Roman stories such as: Rhomulus and Remus, Pandora’s Box and Theseus and the Minotaur. We have worked hard to use describing words and similes in our English work. We have answered questions in smaller groups about the stories.
We have really enjoyed learning all about what the Romans did for hobbies!
We couldn’t believe that the gladiators even fought wild animals in the famous amphitheatre ‘The Colosseum’. We have been working very hard every week recalling facts that we have learned even the gruesome facts!
Well done everyone. What fantastic learning you have all done this term!!

It’s starting to look a lot like Christmas…!
In Eagles class we have been busy decorating our tree and making decorations. We are very excited about Christmas and looking forward to having lots of fun at school!