Spring 2 2025
The Upper School topic this term is Our Growing World.

In cooking we are making recipes using different types of vegetables and fruit. This has included apple crumble, stuffed peppers and berry and yogurt tray bake.
Our offsite trips have included visiting Sainsbury’s to buy our cooking ingredients, visiting a local garden centre, a visit to Harlow park farm and in the next few weeks we will also be going to look at the Mudlarks allotment.
In Science we are learning about habitats and adaptation, including animals and plants. We began by learning about the different types of habitats and which animals and plants live there. Next we had a look at animals and plants in the school grounds, after this the different science groups made plans of how to encourage more animals into the playground. Some children made extensive plans with ponds, insect hotels and underground houses for rabbits etc. While other children made bird houses and feeders. Great fun was had by everyone!

In DT we have been investigating a minibus in order to then design a minibus. The children explored all the different features of a bus and labelled a plan of a standard minibus. In the next few weeks they will be creating their own designs and making a prototype of their ideal minibus.