‘ The Middleton family are the best – I was petrified when my child began with you in Year three but now I want him to stay forever!’
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The Middleton Curriculum has recently been under review. The views of all stakeholders have been sought during this process and have contributed to our revised curriculum.
If you would like more information on the curriculum at Middleton please contact the office at admin@middleton.herts.sch.uk
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A detailed sequential approach to skills and knowledge planned for and assessed against can be found within our M Scale Assessment Framework.
Curriculum INTENT, Implementation and impact within each Key area;
- English
Curriculum Overviews:
Within each of the three departments, curriculum breadth, content and themed coverage is led by a Curriculum Overview on a bi-annual cycle. There is also a separate programme of study for the delivery of RSE through the key stages. The M scales provide a more detailed guide to individual pupil progress and next steps in learning, within each of the curriculum areas.
Curriculum Intent:
INTENT – The curriculum at Middleton School is driven by a strong desire for our pupils to reach their optimum potential while preparing them to lead life as young adults as independently as possible. We strive for our pupils to be able to socialise appropriately with others, cope with challenges they will meet and function as respected members of their local and wider community. Therefore the curriculum at Middleton must educate our pupils about relationships, resilience, life skills and attitude. We are preparing our young people to live in a world where they may achieve a sense of economic security, personal well being, belonging and self worth. With this in mind, our curriculum has four main aims:
(i) A sequential approach to academia, allowing pupils to acquire skills within key subject areas accumulatively, whilst also allowing time to revisit, practise and secure previously learnt skills.
(ii) A strong focus upon the practical skills required to live life as independently as possible.
(iii) The development of self worth, self belief and recognition of personal strengths and talents.
(iv) The pursuit of positive and effective relationships with others.
Central to the intent of the Curriculum at Middleton school is the drive that learning must be fun, motivating and engaging for all pupils and centred around building positive self esteem for all.
The curriculum at Middleton incorporates all areas (other than Modern Foreign languages) of the National Curriculum. It also includes the teaching of Religious Education and Sex and Relationships Education. The curriculum at Middleton School is categorised into eight core areas:
‘If only Middleton could have also been a Secondary school – that would have been brilliant!’
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